“How are you these days?” by Trần Quang Đại

30 May –– 29 June 2024
The Green Room
Prinsengracht 645

Thursday May 30th from 5 – 8 PM  

“How are you these days?” is an immersive installation by Vietnamese artist Trần Quang Đại, comprising 2500 handmade heart-shaped soft sculptures within a Chroma Key green room. Inviting viewers to consider the essence of intimacy and love in our hyper connected digital age.

How are you these days? is the 15th exhibition with the same title given by Trần Quang Đại in the past two years. He views the series as an ongoing form of art therapy to connect people on a profound level. “How are you these days?”—a seemingly simple yet profoundly caring inquiry—is the cornerstone of his exploration of love.

By manifesting the abstract concept of love into tangible forms and inviting inclusivity within the installation, it encourages people to immerse themselves in the ebb and flow of love and build genuine connections with each other. “How are you these days?” offers a remedy to the pervasive loneliness of our digital age.

The entire installation is transported from Saigon to Amsterdam by ship, a journey that takes more than 50 days across the ocean to reach The Green Room. The journey itself indicates the purposeful connection requires action, commitment, courage, and time.

Trần Quang Đại (1992, Vietnam) lives and works in Saigon, Vietnam. Recent exhibitions include solo exhibitions in MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) Bangkok, Thailand; Lean Space, HCMC, Vietnam; and Galerie Montoensier, Paris, France.

Curated by Wumen
Wumen is a painter and independent curator based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is the founder of Sirius Initiative, a co-creation art platform focusing on accelerating climate-conscious social change.

As a Mongolian growing up in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, Wumen is a daughter of the grasslands. Everything she holds dear to her heart is a gift from this generous nature.

Her curatorial interests revolve around human kindness and vulnerability in our time.